Tag Archives: excercise

Just don’t, please

On a serious topic here, and this is not easy for me to address, but here I go.

I have a serious issue with dudes that practice yoga in what appears to be their boxer briefs. Even if they are spandex shorts, just please, no! Leave that for the pole dancing practitioners. I say this with all my respect and admiration for pole dancing.

The true problem here is that I might be tempted to mimic this horrible trend, and – for the public good – you don’t want to see me prancing around my boxer briefs with no shirt on in compromising positions.

You really don’t. Now, if you really do, just follow my Instagram account and you might see pictures of me styling boxer briefs — don’t ask why.

Also, please don’t get me started on adults wearing pajamas at the gym or at any public space. It might have been cute when you were six or when you were on a college campus, but that’s it. You are a grown adult, wear proper clothes.

Well, I am glad I got that off my chest.

And for those that are too shy to ask for my Instagram account, you can look for me under Sexycolombian19. I am kidding! That’s not my username. It should be but it’s actually…

S on your chest


Running those 3 miles this morning was a struggle. I really had to push myself each step of the way. The first and last miles were equally arduous.  I was ready to get out of the treadmill within the first 13 minutes. I can say the same thing about my first day of work today after three weeks out on vacation.  Each hour, moment has been a challenge. My mind, heart and passion are just not at work today.   As I have been struggling here with my own inertia today, a post my 21 year-old nephew posted recently on his Facebook has been coming to mind. “I should have an “S” on my chest,” he wrote about a week ago.

I initially didn’t give the post much thought, but it did prompt me to give him a call to catch-up with him after a few good weeks of not talking to him. What I learned is that he has been training to become a martial arts instructor in the Marines. 

He mentioned to me that for the past three weeks he has gone through some of the most grueling physical training he has ever experienced to the point where he did not think he was going to be able to complete the training.  But he has broken many of the barriers and personal obstacles that baffled him with him like doing over 120 push-ups, burpees and squads after running I don’t know how many miles and doing additional exercises.   

He still has a week to go of his training, and I am sure by this Friday he will have his black belt, but this brings me back to his original post. In many ways, we all deserve an “S” on our chest — an “S” for strength in conquering our own personal battles. We might not have to overcome trekking over 20 miles in full gear, carrying logs, or pushing our bodies and mental strength to superhuman levels, but each of us have our own challenges, either dealing with physical ones or situations that we feel are way beyond our control.

All I can say is put on that “S” on your chest and don’t let the situation overwhelm you. What helped me complete my run this morning was my own personal goal of just completing the run to be prepared for a race I am doing this Sunday. As for work, I am focusing on the aspects of the job I love and the feeling of gratefulness to be part of an organization I like. Not to mention being grateful for having a job itself. It comes down to the little things as well as letting go of our own prevailing beliefs, especially limiting and toxic thoughts. Each day might be a different battle to conquer, but all you can do is move forward, each time conquering and overcoming new challenges while building nerves of steel.